Newspaper World Skills Experience
12:02 AM
Newspaper World Skills Experience
Up I get, I thought as I lay
Need more sleep, the subjects I’ll surely pass
But I need to wake up, wish my mind would obey
As I enter, still one of the first here
As I glanced, I sense Sabine’s eager excitement
I find an empty seat, somewhere close to hear
Sabine, could no longer refrain from telling us our assessment
A special opportunity she stated
World Skill Australia an event TAFE hosting
There so much to do, we got to get started
Briefing four roles as declaring deadline is approaching
Merging roles, four becoming two
Voice of Tourism and Behind the Scene
Had to pick one and its member became your crew
I picked behind the scene as my task show up on the screen
Confusion and excitement in the air
We all had task, split into pairs
Brainstorming ideas til we were rocking on chairs
Making ads and posters for the public to stare
We had a week off before the event
We all panicked, scared not knowing what to do
“Have fun with it”, Sabine stated,” enjoy to your heart content”
“You have to attend”, she also said, “even if you caught the flu”
Finally the days, here it comes
Envision packed stalls and people everywhere I look
As I meet up with my class, feels like everyone speaking in tongues
Staring blanking left and right, maybe I’ll slip out and be off the hook
As ambitious I may be, this was an assessment
I got to stay, I got to stay
I put up my hand, Sabine I got a question
Not now she says, but here the day play
Rushing left and right, back and forward
This day is just getting started
“No, that goes there,” things getting awkward
“Need a jug of water and cups here” she stated
Finally debriefing us on our roles
Usher, information desk and tour guiding
Remember to have fun and never forget your goals
I was delated as an Usher so I’ll be guarding
Members of the public rush and squeeze through the door
Handing out score cards as they push and shove through
This is such a bore, this is such a chore
But as the competition starts, competitors was such a view
We had a rotating roster, off to the tour guiding here I go
Right in the midday sun, next to the blasting music and stall chains
It was hot, it wasn’t pleasant but we had to manage though
Constantly hydrating ourselves just to stay sane
The day went by surprisingly quick
It wasn’t so bad, was quite informative and unique
A good experience even though being nervous made me sick
Every moment, every detail carried much mystique
I am grateful; I was given such an opportunity
An experience I would take anytime once again
To have helped competitors display their art to the community
I can’t even believe for a moment I actually complained
A promising future for our diploma class of tourism and travel
I promise you, a class without failure of surprise
A great semester so far, some struggles and a little hassle
We are the next leaders if we are willing to rise